I overheard
today my people are looking for a life jacket for me. As if I would need one. I’m
sure I can accomplish this water thing. After all, I watch the ducks out there
on the canal every day and they manage. They also have a green mesh harness which is rather tight going on over my head and I think I succeeded
in scaring them when I walked wearing it. Or rather waddled. Now there is a red
harness and a leash that came in the mail. I humour them by wearing it and running around in the boat with it on,
dragging the leash. But the best equipment is the carrier. We took the train to
The Netherlands and I was placed in the carrier. How surprised were they when I
was sitting beside the cage, not in it. There was a huge fuss about that and now
I find myself with zippers tied in some funny way. But do you really think cats
have not heard of Houdini? Look, my
ancestors came by boat from Syria centuries ago. Some of us took up with the Carthusians
monks who don’t talk, just like us. I suppose they like us because we were silent.
Anyhow, that’s what Mama told us and we believe her because she is a wise cat. Actually, I was born last September in St.
Maur, a long way from Paris. But my new owners came to see me, then pick me up
and naturally I showed them what a cute and smart cat the Chartreux breed really
is. My 4 sisters were leaving too, but I was the only one going to Paris. It’s
a big change, but I love it. I’ve learned
English but will never lose my French roots. I’m still loving any fromage or
croissant that happens to be in my way and wine corks…well they are just plain entertaining.
We live on a boat. That was a shock, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Frankly,
the view is great, ducks, pigeons, seagulls, crows and a few songbirds surround
this place. I can watch Michelle and Alain’s TV at night …they live next door.
Michelle likes cooking shows so that is good for me. We are known here in France as having “big
forks”. I can see 360 degrees and I sit
in the windows and watch the people on the pontoons walk by. They all point and
smile at me as I do know I’m handsome. There
are cats too, mostly like me the indoor variety but a few come and look in at
me at night and I think they envy my soft bed. Of course there are dogs ( they say it's a Dogs World, but I don't agree) and I have
two dog friends , Monty and Dr. Watson. One is big and black and the other is
small and shaggy. Monty stays overnight sometimes as his owner goes on trips
and my people say I can handle a dog: which I can. We seem to have a lot of
people around. Everyone is impressed that I can fetch toys and drop them at
their feet. They ohhh and ahhh and throw the toy so many times I think they
will never stop. But I have to show them cats are smart , so keep it up. There
is always a lot going on around here so I just follow and put my nose into
everything. All is really interesting; engine rooms, cooking, ovens,
laundry machines, computer and especially printers. At first they tried pennies
in a jar to keep me off the counter, but noise does not scare me. Even the
Metro or the TGV or the car. Now they are trying a water spray bottle but I can be really fast and it misses me or
I can back off and let them think it is working. When they leave I sometimes
lie on the table just for fun. The games are good here and so is the food. When people come to see me they often bring a
new toy so I have lots to choose from. I do have my favourites for different games.
I know we are leaving Paris soon and heading
to Metz and then on to Canada. I’m excited to see all those trees and lakes. I
also hear talk of chipmunks and squirrels but I’m not sure what they are. I’ll
find out. But I suppose that’s only if I
can escape outside?
We Do Have Amber Eyes
They are "Training" me to Stay Off !
I like to stay Rght On Top of My People
This is what I call Wired
The Captain showing me off
My Favourite
This is Good but I only get it Twice a Week
Why They Put a Black Cat On my Croquette Bag I'll Never Know
This was the Green Harness
I am Comfortable Here
Julan brought This Pink Mouse. . . I love it
I'm Helping with Important Work
They Caught me Cat Napping in This One
You Can See the Spray Bottle on the Right
I Love Vanessa. She Understands Cats
The Captain and I watch Formula One..Those Cars are Fast!
My Distant Cousin's Hat, I think
My "I Did Not Do That" Look
Visitors Have Interesting Stuff
My Chair
My Fetish..Bags
Lots of Cat Artwork in Paris
My Friend Dr. Watson
Heard This One is Pretty Good
One of My Neighbours Cosette. . . French too & Chic
Our Pet Friendly Hotel in Loosdrecht ( Not a Water View)

I Think The Blog is About Me But Need to Check