What does one do on another quarantine day aboard the boat in Paris?
Arise early;
Feed Oscar
and before anyone else is out, go for an exercise walk/trot for the allowed 1 hour carrying your attestation, identity papers and a spray bottle of isopropanol alcohol .
Use up almost the hour then dash to the boulangerie. Wait outside if someone is inside and enter after they exit and buy 2 loaves of pain de campagne.
Carry the bags homes, get into the gate with the code after spraying the key pad
Spray the paper bread bags, the door handle and yourself before entering the boat
Turn on the oven and put the bread loaves in for an extra hot 10 minute bake
Wash your hands before and after that activity.
Shower and put on fresh clothes
Throw your outdoor gear in the laundry
Tell John he may want to get up
Make some fresh fruit & yoghurt for breakfast. Take a vitamin
Read the latest statistics on you know what
Have a coffee
Play with Oscar
Hang out the wash
Tidy the boat and do a bit of vacuuming
Spray disinfectant on door handles, taps, fridge ,oven doors, countertops, phones and anything frequently handled.
Have a play with Oscar
Do emails
Make contact with the outside world in some way
Sit on deck if the weather is good and sun warm
Do some squats or lunges
Read the latest on WhatsApp & send a few
Check your list of what you want to accomplish today
Tidy up a couple of drawers
Make a tea
Play some Gin Rummy. . .yes we have agreed to start that up again
Talk to Jerome and Reginette and Jeanne on the boat next door. At a very safe distance of about 6 metres.
Wave at Charlette who is 87, across the canal (made a dinner dish for her, must pick up my plate so we can do another)
Plan dinner for tonight
Assess the grocery supply…yes we have TP but what about the wine?
Talk live to family & loved ones using Zoom or WhatsApp
Talk over together, yet again, our current situation
Take in the wash
Read an inspiring /interesting story
Feed Oscar
Make dinner & enjoy our meal
Applaud the Health workers at 20:00 hours along with all our neighbours
Plan tomorrow. Make a list of things to do/accomplish/think about
Assess the list you made for today; completed??
Watch some episode of something
Have an orange
Go to bed
Start again. . .you get the picture
(John's day is slightly different and he might share that with you at some point )
Immune Booster Soup
Paris Fashion Dress for Shopping
Exercise Route
Opera That Will not Happen
Early Morning: the Best time to Go Out
Cat Yoga & Meditation: Follow the Guru