The process of déconfinement here in Paris was a phased approach. Because we are a Red Zone, meaning a very high number of COVID-19 cases, restrictions here were greater as they were in other Red Zones, primarily in the North and North East. Some departments have experienced no COVID-19 cases and others were overwhelmed. Those were in the first phases labelled Green Zones. As of June 2 we are all green or at least greenish and many of the restrictions lifted throughout France.
As of May 29, Paris Parks were finally opened, and people did flock to the green grass and who could blame them? However, we have been without the requirement of attestations since May 11 so social distancing and masks have been prevalent throughout the month. Most people are respectful and concerned with transmission but as in any densely & heavily populated city the shock of people on the street was significant. We all rather enjoyed quiet Paris. Many residents had left the city and those left could go about the essentials of our business during lock down with very little contact. Now folks are back at work, the streets are heavily travelled with cyclists as more cycling lanes and streets are accommodating bicycles with no cars. Hurrah for Anne Hidalgo the Mayor as she saw the need since the Metro is overcrowded on the best of days. Shops are open with strict guidelines, Écoles Maternelles, offices, with employees who can work at home still continuing to do so, and of course all shops with groceries or bakeries, butchers etc. Additionally, as of yesterday June 2 cafes and restaurants with outdoor spaces in terraces or with street space are open. Tables are spaced out at least a metre (not far enough for me). Masks and hand sanitizer dispensers are everywhere. Masks are a must on all forms of transport and shops. Hand sanitizer stations are at every bus stop and Metro station and every store entry or payment station. Now it is up to all of us to remember that the virus is around and about us. It did not disappear. We have simply managed to slow the spread through strict adherence to the lockdown rules. Social distancing and masks and excellent hygiene are the only way to hold it at bay.
We are readying the boat for departure and leave Paris on Sunday June 7. We must fly to Frankfurt from Charles de Gaulle with Lufthansa then on to Toronto direct. We are keeping fingers crossed that all goes according to plan.
In the meantime, our friends are slowly departing from the marina to new summer locations as the VNF has allowed pleasure boat traffic on the canals from June 2 as well. It is bittersweet to see the great exodus of boats depart the écluse and turn right or left on the Seine. We had so looked forward to cruising to Strasbourg in April. However, by the greatest of good fortune our friends Chris and Liz, already onboard their boat in Strasbourg, will arrive in Paris the day after we leave and, after a few days, begin that journey on our behalf aboard Forty Roses. We are so grateful for their help. We hope they enjoy her as much as we do. And coquette Cosette and handsome Hugo will accompany them so the ship will not be without a cat.
We look forward to our return and the wonderful life we enjoy here.
And right now, we look forward to coming home to family and friends, our beautiful house in the woods, the lake, the clean air and freedom of fewer people, my very late spring planting of the garden, 14 days of Quarantine, and especially Canada Day this year. All of us have been through a very strange time with much more ahead of us. We feel the need to connect with our home turf and surroundings and to count our blessings.
Word Just in This Morning: Our Verdict From the Dutch Court is in : We won. The Court Rejected All Cornelissen/Euroship Claims for € 100,000 plus " Extra Work". He Owes us Court Costs and €'s for Items not Provided. We are Feeling Pretty Darn Fine!
Empty Park as Gates Were Locked until May 29
Always a Pastry Confinement or Déconfinement
Kelly, First Boat Departing
Friends Gathered to Celebrate the First Departure
Street Art |
Oscar's Girlfriend Plume
Jeanne Tending her Garden
Departure of Oribi
Unfurling the Flag
Turning toward the Marne