
Sunday, 2 April 2017

Keukenhof Gardens

In an email today, a friend from the Bahamas asked about the tulips in the Netherlands this time of year. Realizing I have been delinquent with the blog due to other distractions, that most of you know about, here is the tulip story.

 Indeed, there are oodles, masses, and buckets of these beautiful flowers. The country is in love with the tulip and has been since the Golden Age. Interesting reading about the rise of trade in tulip bulbs in the early 17th century describes a sale of 40 bulbs for 100,000 guilders, the currency of the time. This was a vast amount of money. Apparently, everyone was in on the tulip speculation and it was an economic bubble just as real estate was in 2008 or for that matter presently in Toronto and Vancouver.  Along with hyacinths, fritillary, crocus, daffs, narcissus, and every type of bulb one can imagine there are tulips of every size, shape and colour. We have become somewhat blasé about the tulips due to the sheer volume of blooming bulbs. In every grocery and flower shop or flower market one can buy huge bouquets, that, with the right care, last up to 2 weeks.

 We drove to Almere, the land of tulips, to visit the Keukenhof Gardens last Sunday. As it is in “the north” the gardens were not as advanced as we thought they might be coming from “the south”. All this is good news for friends who arrive April 5 and my sister and her husband arriving at the end of April. We checked with the staff who assured us the peak of the gardens would be 3 to 4 weeks off if no extended period of hot weather. So those of you on your way or with planned trips need not worry. There will be magnificent photo opportunities when you arrive.  Despite our arrival early on the weekend of the Gardens opening, the tulips for viewing were stunning. An indoor exhibition of different tulip types kept us for more than 2 hours assessing each variety and colour before we even stepped outside to wander the garden grounds. An incredible amount of bulb development is carried out by the bulb industry to create stunning new varietals. I hope many Canadians planted the Canada 150 tulip as it was developed by the Dutch tulip industry especially for our 150th celebration this year.

Below is a taste of The Keukenhof Gardens…very early in the season, with massive and glorious tulip beds yet to bloom. The fields surrounding the gardens become colour blocks of these magnificent flowers. We will try and get back to record the full impact and share more photos.

Intoxicating Scent and Deepest Blue

Beds of Crocus just about over and tulips popping up..ready to bloom late April

Beds are timed with crocus first then early tulips followed by late tulips

A new variety called Antartic

All these varieties developed and promoted by the powerful Flower Growers Industry

I loved these ruffle-edged pink and whites

Peony Doubles

"The Google" Tulip..some of the names are fun!

Display of French tulips and Ranunculus in Blue Delft

Good Ideas abound for Tulip Arrangements

Perfect Accents for Artwork

Simple Paint-Splotched White Plastic Buckets filled with Colour

Every Bucket contains a Different Variety

Pure Enjoyment

These Doubles have a fabulous stripe on exterior petals

Seeing Red

Note the Leaves

Reds still my favourites for a bouquet

A Touch of White

Touched with Sunlight

Spring Sunshine and Early Reds!

Extensive Grounds and reflecting Ponds

Eye Catching

Blue Bird Day but Real Chill in the Air

These fields will shock you with colour in 3 weeks..Early Yellows can be seen now. Note the workers beyond

Bed after Bed of tulips all labelled and ready for your camera. . . in 3-4 weeks

Lovely Pale Blue Crocus

Floral Tableaus everywhere

Just Daffs!

The Dutch love playful Sculptures. . .and so do we

Fun to see Canadian Marsh Marigolds

John Loved the Giant Wheelbarrow Flower Box..great idea and easy to move

Grape Hyacinths or  Wit Druivenhyacinten

Through the trees a glimpse of yellow field tulips

Canals wind around the garden and tulip canal tours can be made later in the season

Tulips and Rhubarb. . .what better signs of Spring?

How many Photos can we take?

Serious Young Drum Major with Style

Marching Bands add to the Spring Festival Atmosphere

For the Opening large troughs of forced tulips dot the grounds

Everyone loves a Windmill

Beams and Wheel

Blades are whirling fast in today's wind

They are magnificent structures

Wooden Shoe Style

A Pair for Everyone

Not a tulip in sight. . just quiet water and spring greens

The number of varieties amaze

Cherry blossom just ready to burst

An Entirely New Venue. The Orchid House

Orchids are beloved in this country 

Every home seems to have orchids

Folks know how to have them rebloom every year

Flower Industry promotes them assiduously

Have never seen an ugly orchid plant

Just look at this beauty!

A wood carving to inspire certain wood carvers in the family

Owls may be simpler to carve than Peacocks?

Tulips Yet to Bloom

What the surrounding fields will look like late April..taken from an internet image

 Hopefully barge news next week. . .

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