It was a a week of walking, cycling, window shopping, solving some problems, meeting new people,
exploring iconic sights, wine shopping, eating, French lessons, more walking and sore feet. In other words it was a fabulous week. Below is a smattering of photos on a very wide range of subjets. Whatever caught my eye. There was so much more, but one simply must narrow it down. There is no order or system to these. Just Paris.
Our Neighbours
Reflections Through a Porthole I & II
Bastille Market Sunday Morning
I bought the Orange and Gold Dahlias
Sunflowers at their best.
Pepper Bouquets
Sweet Strawberries
Artichokes Ready for the Pot and Melted Butter
Olives of Every Colour and Flavour
Fa |
Figs and Nuts. . . Fresh Walnuts and Hazelnuts are Fabulous
Every Variety of Shellfish
Fresh Thyme
Basil & Bay Leaf.. Fresh not dried up in a little Bottle
Little Cheeses full of Surprises
Bastille is a Lively Market: Crowds, Music, Food and Great People Watching
Bike Ride along the St. Martin Canal...This is a Theatre in the Round
(Short Ride of about 40KM!)
Taking in the Colour
Bike Wheel
Pedal and Seat!
Chalkboard Graffiti
Watching Changes
Jardin de Tuileries
Still Blooming
Colour and Flared Trousers! This is Fashion Week in Paris
These are Flowers with a Difference (by Gucci)
Galeries Lafayette: Food Hall
All Pastries Green
Chocolates to Choose
Single or by the Box
Heritage Tomatoes
These have Red Hearts and are Delicious
Window of Apertifs
My Fatal Attraction: Cookery Shops
Every Size Every Shape
Your Choice
All the Above Cookware from A. Simon on the rue Montmartre
I visited this shop 30 years ago and it remains basically unchanged.
You Can Find Anything for the Kitchen, such as any size of whisk.
What is your Task? Dehilleren can Help ...since 1820
Copper Bowl for beating Egg Whites , upper right ...still have mine and still using it.
"Mood Boards" for Givenchy created by their new Artistic Director, Claire Waight Keller..again Fashion Week so these are Everywhere!
What I want!
Divers in the Seine doing Checks
View from Pont Royal
Monet Waterlilies: Just one of a series completed and donated to the state
Paul Cézanne Stillife
An Evocative Pissaro
Gustave Caillebotte "The Floor Scrapers"
Renoir "Bal du Moulin de la Galette"
View of Sacré Coeur from Musée d'Orsay
Ready for Thanksgiving...'The Turkeys" by C. Monet
"Sails at Argentuil" Monet
We passed this bend in the river. . ."La Seine at Suresnes" Alfred Sisley
An enlarged portion of a Monet
View Through a Clock Face
Different Rosette
Beautiful Art Deco Desk and Chair
Swans in Glass
Émile Gallé the Master Glass Artist
More of his Work: These bowls actually glow
. . . and this exqusite Dragonfly
Clocks in a Window
Caught my Eye
If We Win Euro Lotto. . .We love it!
Just Simple Wallpaper
So Much to See. We live on a Boat; No Room
Demure Bathers in Colour
Or Black and White
Yes, he was in a Window
Antique Tjalk
Notre Dame in Evening Light
Always Spectacular
Forever a Canal View
Man Pondering the City
Gardens surround Notre Dame
Whimsical Touches
From Every Angle
Somebody Polishes This: Not an Easy Task
Forty Roses III tied off with Oribi at Port Arsenal
Pretty Parks
Quiet Corners
Lock within the arched tunnel is how we enter from the Seine
At Night
A City of Lights
Shimmering on the Water
Departing Paris: Oribi our "buddy boat" second barge behind Mise en Seine which was built in 1911
Bonjour Notre Amis! Spell check doesn’t seem to like French! Love your photos - so good to see the adventure continues!