Apologies for the lack of postings this month. But, as you can see, in the following photos, we have simply been too busy. Beyond the photos we have shopped and cooked and attended French conversation classes, celebrated le Bonheur at Le Temps de Cerise, cat-cared for our neighbours cats, Hugo and Cosette, and hosted Mr. Monty overnight. We have travelled to the UK via Eurostar and spent wonderful days with Jim, Blythe and Annabel. Made the school run morning and night and read to our girl as often as she permitted. We have collected Christmas greens and amazing red berries, with Blythe, walked in the English countryside, bought tables shifted furniture and disrupted the Wantage house and had much laughter doing so. We have certainly eaten well in all locations and must now concentrate on eating less for the frigid month of January. The Squirrel will require or must require less peanut butter ( he made some today roasting his peanuts to the exact tone of brown and disallowing me to be involved in the critical work of producing the product.) He has pronounced it the best "vintage" ever so I am happily handing over the job. After all Squirrels know their nuts.
We scoured the French countryside for mistletoe and created our "Tree" and donated much of the remainder to eager recipients. We have contacted friends old and new and missed family from afar. We have drunk the health of all of you many times over.
We have experienced the Gilet Jaunes and understand their protests but not the damage of a few: we worry about North American politics and the see-saw of markets and chaos of the US. We worry too about Canada and the shift we see in the world toward less concern for climate change and the renewal of whale hunting by Japan. We wish for our grandchildren a better world, not one decimated by the decisions of our generation.
We have been wined and dined and in turn done the same. We have shared meals with the boating community and have been delighted to welcome Richard and Dan to boat living. We have gazed in amazement at the City of Lights from the top of the Eiffel. We have walked hundreds of kilometers...no lie...have been out early and late and all in all had an amazing Christmas in Paris.
We have missed everyone and greeted new friends with the traditional French kisses, we have thought of home at Lake Skootamatta, Alexis & Family in Nashville, Tyler and Michelle in Lewes with dear little Ollie and been able to spend an early Christmas with Jim, Blythe and Annabel. We count ourselves fortunate.
So the following is just photos and a mixed bag at that. The month has been amazing. A Very Happy New Year to you all.
The Clock at the Conciergerie
"The Hall of Soldiers" Constructed in 1302 during the reign of Philip the Fair
Unique Example of Gothic civil Architecture: 4 Naves with Ribbed Vaulting. 4 Fireplaces heated in this vast room.
Office of the Prison Warder- Keeper of the Keys
The desk of the Clerk who was responsible for recording prisoner details
The Grooming Room where prisoners had their hair cut before execution..you can glimpse the basket ready for hair.
Robespierre..no wonder he looks worried. He was eventually beheaded after ordering so many others to the Guillotine
The Conciergerie Room which held Marie Antoinette is now a tiny Chapel
The Womens Courtyard Remains Unchanged. Note the Spikes to prevent Escape.
Sainte Chapelle- A Gem of High Gothic Architecture
Built between 1242 and 1248...
...According to the Wishes of Louis IX
Floor Tiles: During the Revolution, the Sainte-Chapelle, a symbol of Royalty by Divine right, suffered a great deal of damage. Miraculously the stained glass remained intact.
Sculptures & Windows combine Harmoniously to glorify the Passion of Christ
1, 113 scenes are depicted in 15 Stained Glass Windows
They Tell the Story of Mankind from Genesis to the Resurrection
The Western Rose Window illustrates the Prophetic Apocalypse of St. John
In the Centre Christ returns in glory at the end of Time to judge the dead and the living.
The Overall Effect of the Windows in Overwhelming
So Many Details to Locate
The Gates
Spanish Citrus has Arrived for Christmas
And Even more Elaborate Pastry
Each Serves 4
Annabel..Always Moving Fast Greets Pomps at School Pickup - East Hendred
Friends in the Rain
Ready to Climb at Dickensian Night
Hand over Hand. . .not the Best Climbing Boots!
Going Higher
Lights from the house through the Tower Windows
Tree Lights Shine Through
Happy Girl!
Playing in Snow Foam...No real stuff in Wantage
The Building in the Background is Divided into Homes. The Tower section belongs to our Threesome