February arrived and along with the new month my dear sister Sharon and niece Miriam came to visit. What a lovely time we had. Our challenge was to keep up with the sightseeing program and ensure a plan was executed as best possible. A week in Paris is like a drop of water in a bucket, so there was a list. Miriam , a very organized young woman had one as well as more spur of moment things. Naturally there was shopping as we were all involved in “What should be taken home for McKenzie?” We had ideas, some more futile with Mama than others, as, after all, she is 14. There was no problem figuring out what to take home for Greg, or Jim or Brian. Chocolate saved the day and is easy to carry. Paris fashion on the other hand is more difficult to decipher for a teenage girl. In the end I think the choices were inspired. Fashion week is coming up and it is my suspicion the coat or versions thereof will be the rage.
From the Marmottan, the Passageways, to Versailles, The Louvre for Leonardo, d’Orsay for Impressionism & Van Gogh, the Moulin Rouge for low culture and champagne and of course the Eiffel all accomplished. Possibly insufficient desserts & pastries were consumed but we managed a couple of good meals out, one at a favourite little local bistro. All we wished is that the stay could have been longer as there is so many things we call the ‘secret Paris’ that one finds through walking the arrondissements. Not that we did not walk! Many kilometers were achieved and the Paris Metro demystified. We can only hope we have return visits when we move the boat to Strasbourg for next winter. December is the month of Christmas markets in that lovely little city. We are rather torn as we love Paris but a new winter experience is good and it will position us in a better location for the spring of 2021.Several friends are going to winter there too so that is a bonus. We plan to take the boat to Netherlands for bottom cleaning and fresh hull paint before returning to the City of Light.
Arrival at the Bastille! Safe & Sound!
Place des Vosges First Stop
Little Passageway where an umbrella restorer is working on my late Grandmother's beautiful parapluie!
Jet Lagged but Sightseeing
The Plan
These covered passageways were once the shopping malls of old Paris. Delightful to Explore
Jardin du Ranelagh in the 16th near Musée Marmottan
Contains many Monet's not seen frequently
Painted later in his life
Line drawing of the man himself
Gallery Dwellers
Clouds right?
Three Women in a Mirror
Many Berthe Morisot displayed at the Marmottan
Statue in Jardin des Plantes
A No Sun Day but this week the trees are greening
Heading to the Leonardo Exposition
We looked at cars at Retromobile Exposition ( John Spent 2 Days There)
Whilst Sharon & Miriam travelled to Versailles
Gleaming Details
Versailles Hall of Mirrors
Beautiful Mimosa
Oscar with Tulips
Night on the Town
Can-Can & Champagne
Echo-like Lab
Dog Day at the Louvre
What Picture to Take Next?
Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre in the Distance
Woman in Garden-Alfred Sisley
Self Portrait of Gustave Caillebotte, a French painter who was a member and patron of the Impressionists
What We Felt Like Doing After a Long Day
La Pastiche Yellow Haystacks, 1889 by Gauguin
Sunny Day on Seine
Self Portrait of Van Gogh who completed many as he could not afford models.
Thatched Cottage at Cordesvilles- Van Gogh
The Meridian- Van Gogh
A Luncheon Glass
Descending into Port Arsenault
Last Day, Shopping and Sightseeing Completed. Time for Tea and Dessert!
Ascending the Eiffel. Yes, This picture was taken when they were waving from the top
View from the Top
Paris ... Last Night
And may March come in like a Lion & go out like a Lamb. . .
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