She arrived with a French "Bonjour"
and when she left there was a French outfit and French hat, more French words
and a whole new quota of French boulangerie and pastry treat knowledge!
Jim, Blythe and Annabel arrived in Auxerre for a
visit and we have had a wonderful if whirlwind time. With school and work, this
trip was a short one so next time is already in planning. Our intrepid
little family took automobile, plane, bus and train to get here. Upon arrival,
we walked or in the case of Annabel ran, walked or rode Dad's shoulders. There
was sightseeing, pool swimming, boulangerie visiting, crafting of different
sorts, games, some shopping and much eating. Mama and Papa even squeezed
in an hour or so of "date" time. Sadly, due to canal lock “chomages”
there was no moving boat travel, but the time of year and canal repair work
precluded that adventure. All in all, a very busy time which was over entirely
too soon. . . It was very quiet this morning when we awoke with no early
morning visit and we are missing our Girl. But then a photo arrived via
WhatsApp and we knew that a little bit of France arrived in Wantage UK and was
heading off to school. Thank you Jim, Blythe and Annabel for such a lovely
Annabel with her Pastry Choice
The Captain, Admiral and Crew
Nothing Like a Ride on Dad's Shoulders
Jim modeling his new size 16 yr-old French Bathers (we should explain that Speedos are the only bathers allowed in French pools)
A modest French Speedo is the Choice
Heading for the Pool
In the Pool
Thumbs up for Goggles: little girls swim like fish underwater.
Sunday Pool Time a Hit
Annabel and Walnut Craft Turtles for the Christmas Tree
Always a Whirlwind
Opportunity to Write Words on Steamed Windows
Dessert (Pudding In UK Language) is Annabel's Favourite
Loving Boat Life
A Pomps (John) and Annabel Creation
Sightseeing on the passerelle
Qu'est-ce ce?
Dueling Cameras
Our beautiful little étoile
. . .and another picture of golden feet
No Lumières de Noel until 6 December, so Horloge a second best
Night Walk
We thought this cat was an ornament; but he is real!
New French Dress
This Breakfast Not Recommended Every Day
Swan Feeding
And there were Twelve Swans a Swimmimg. . . really!
French Hat
Our Wonderful Neighbour Jan with a New Craft for All of Us
Another Jan Gift quickly coloured & ready for use. That Frozen gal gets around.
Melt Crayola Crayons in puddles on foil lined waffle pan. Drop in paper, tap, drag, swirl & retrieve. Fabulous art work
New Technique
Learning Zingo; French Word Game
Big French Scarves are Useful
Girl On A Train
A Wonderful Weekend
Girl with French Hat, Mona Lisa Smile and School Uniform back in UK
My, has Annabel ever grown ! Lovely pictures of a lovely time.... and oh, the hat !