Do you remember the expression in like a lion and out like a
lamb for the month of March? Here it has arrived weather-wise like a lamb. We are taking advantage of these glorious
spring days to get out of town and stretch our legs daily. . .well maybe a
couple of skipped days. The countryside is lovely and there are few people on trails
during the week. On weekends the story is quite different. If the sun is out every French family is outdoors
for an afternoon walk. In town it gets a bit crowded and distancing can be an
issue as cyclists and runners do not wear masks. We want to be far away. The department
of Moselle within our Grand Est Region has an exceedingly high rate of virus infection
with variants. We are in Grand Est and the department next door. Precaution is
our watch word.
We had great hopes of receiving our vaccines this week or at
least the first dose. However, France has not licensed the AstraZeneca for what
all in France are calling “le groupe d'âge oublié”
or “the forgotten age group”. And the members of this so named group are most
unhappy. Our médecin had to break the news. She is upset and concerned about
this, as are so many. Thursday of this week she can vaccinate all her patients
if they are below 65. We on the other hand must wait until the Pfizer or
Moderna have sufficient supply for us and she will not be allowed to administer
it. Rather we must go to the designated vaccine sites due to storage and
distribution issues. Macron is not popular nor is his Health Minister about all
this. Now we are told it will be in late March or April. So, we continue with
our routines but are doubly careful.
Therefore, getting out and breathing fresh crisp air in the Vosges
on little used trails is fun and good for us. And I must say I never tire of
the vineyards with their orderly rows and neatly trimmed vines. What a job it
is doing all the necessary pruning of the vines in the cold months. Watching a
pruner is a treat. They have pruned thousands of vines and are assured and fast
in the cutting. Unlike me who has trouble deciding just what to cut on an overgrown
bush, they have no doubts. I have included a link for those who might want to
check out a video of pruning in action. And yes, this pruning equipment is
electronic. Cannot imagine how many vineyard owners must have suffered from
carpel tunnel syndrome before the introduction of these tools! By the way the video includes the stunning European Kingfisher. We see them periodically and they never fail to delight. Their feathers are iridescent.
Vineyard Pruners
This past month has
been one of recipe testing as well. My good brother-in-law sent me his recipe
for single-rise white bread that he has tested quite a few times. He added his notes,
and I followed his directions to the letter. Annabel and Blythe who joined me
via WhatsApp and made bread too. Now on my end I followed the recipe with the
best bread flower I have ever seen. Quite different from Canadian flour but
giving the bread a delightful texture. At the other end of the bread ring the
girls in the UK made one bread mix and then a recipe using gluten free flour. All
rose, all were baked, and the outcomes are pictured below. I do think Annabel
yearned for the white loaves. She told
me a rather funny story about her friend over for a dinner of beans on toast
got the gluten free bread that is used at the Priory Rd address. She whispered
to Annabel…this is the worst toast I have ever tasted. But so goes the world: those
who love gluten free and those who politely detest it.
The pictures in this blog are a mixed lot of subjects, days,
views, and locations. We feel the days here are similar. A mixed sack. Dreaming
of planting a garden at some point when we get home, I bought seeds today.
Cosmos seeds are in great demand and disappear from the shelves early. I found
what I was looking for and naturally left with more than cosmos seeds. I could
not resist buying seeds for Courge Musquée Muscade. It is delicious and worth a
try. If I could get these seeds to my sister with her huge summer garden, she
would be the best person to experiment, to see if our Canadian season is long
In Like a Lamb |
Build a Bee House Please |
Lichen so Thick it Looks Like Blossoms |
Straight Rows |
Pruned and Ready for Spring |
Pollarded Tree Sculpture |
River Below |
One of our Country Walks |
Smooth Terrain... |
This Trail less so. |
View from the Summit |
Ready for Lunch |
Remains of Ramstein |
Ortenbourg Through the Trees |
We Made It |
Better Day Bench |
Taking a Break |
Bread Baking from the Girls in UK |
Single Rise Loaves |
Above Two Online Photos of the Courge Musquée Muscade |
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